
June 17, 2011













Hear a clip from Breathe

Christine Barbush, J.J. Criss, Jillian Louis, Robin Marcotte, and Seth Peterson sing the Prologue from the 2004 Philadelphia cast recording of our musical Breathe.  Jeff McDonnell is the musical director and pianist.  The Prologue is the first of seven musical “rituals” that introduce each of the show’s musical stories.

From Rob Lester’s CD review at (2/17/06): “Composer Dan Martin and longtime partner lyricist Michael Biello can dazzle you with a complex, contemporary witty patter song and then turn around and devastate you with naked emotion … The cast embues their multiple roles with personality and open-hearted singing … The music is varied, sometimes presented mosaically in bits that spurt and repeat or come at you in fragments …   Other melodies have a legato elegance and satisfying completeness.  Nothing is pat, but while the melodies are challenging and daring, they are not esoteric or inaccessible.  The listener is allowed to breathe, too.”

The CD is available online at

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